I walked away a more whole, loved person with a greater desire to pursue the Lord.

Thank you to the Prayer Ministry for pouring out your life to help others and for exercising the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you to bless others. I am so very thankful for your ministry and believe it is by far one of the most effective and life-changing ways to minister to others. I’ve been through Christian counseling prior to coming in for prayer and the impact it made on my life was nominal compared to our time together. There is so much power in the type of prayer ministry you provide that I wish everyone could come in and experience healing like I did. In my life, I’ve carried wounds, ungodly beliefs, and sin tendencies. Through the words you all received from the Lord that were specific to me, through the laying on of hands in prayer, the wisdom and guidance you provided, the pictures the Lord gave you, and getting to pray for myself in a way I had never experienced, I walked away a more whole, loved person as well as a person with a greater desire to pursue the Lord, the one who heals and is our great counselor. Thank you for being a conduit in displaying his heart towards me. Through the prayer time we had, I have never felt so incredibly loved. For hours, you all prayed with me and for me, speaking God’s truth into areas where I desperately needed the Father’s words. This time with you all and the Lord helped me learn more how to pray for myself and for others. Our time together showed me that prayer is powerful and effective. Almost immediately I noticed a shift in so many areas of my life and the lives of others directly tied to our prayers. May He richly bless your ministry and may many come to experience deeper fullness in their relationships Jesus and wholeness as a beloved child of God.


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.