I was set free in the prayer session in so many ways

I came in for prayer from the recommendation of several family members. It had been about 6 years since coming through a really tumultuous time in my life. A time period that spanned maybe 10-13 years. Without going into too much detail it was mostly struggles with bad choices I continued to make, turning my back on what I knew was the right path, and choosing worldly lures that were not healthy or good. I was living in darkness. I didn’t know how to get out of the perpetual sin I was involved in, and I really didn’t care to. Satan had the wool pulled far over my eyes.

Fast forward to six years ago. With the help of my husband and many prayer warriors I was able to turn away. It was not easy, and has not been an easy journey. Something was still inside me that felt wrong.

I’ve been battling for 6 years now, and I knew I needed something more. I felt a block, like I couldn’t get past things and thoughts I had. Looking back I know it was certainly satan's hand at work.

The rejuvenation of my soul, the reconnection with the Lord, hearing His voice again, and being freed from satan's binding he had on me, all came about from the prayer session I had with the Horizon prayer team members. The thoughts and words that I felt were coming from God, that I had been hearing for a few years, were spoken by the Holy Spirit through the prayer team members. A comforting peace washed over me, and my questioning of whether I was actually hearing from God was confirmed. They also prayed against the soul ties and bondage that had been let in through the life I had led. I was set free in the prayer session in so many ways. I walked away with more than can be put into words. Seeing God be so real and so with me in that prayer session was a huge blessing. God has surely blessed this ministry and I’m so grateful.