Our family has been loved, encouraged and cared for in a way that most certainly embodies the love of Christ.

Hello Horizon family, I have attempted to write this so many times but couldn't seem to find the words to say what your kindness and generosity has meant to the kids and me. Everything I write seems to fall short of what I want to express. Your love and support has been such a life-giving sacrifice for my family. We are so blessed and thankful to have a church family that not only stepped up to help us in a very difficult financial time but also made certain that I did not allow the enemy to fill me with shame and lies. Our family has been loved, encouraged and cared for in a way that most certainly embodies the love of Christ. 

I have no doubt that this season, like many others, will become part of a testimony that God will use in powerful ways. Thank you so much for all you have done and for being a constant reminder that I am not alone in this journey. I might not know each name to thank you personally but please know we love you all and feel so blessed to be part of this family. Thank you!!


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

I am now walking in full freedom and the abundant life Jesus longs for us to have!

It’s very hard for me to put into words all of the blessings and gifts I’ve received through my prayer session with the Horizon prayer team. I could narrow it down to these two amazing words: freedom and victory.

I was raised in the church and always loved the Lord but hadn’t experienced the Holy Spirit in full capacity. Just recently God awakened my brother and then the rest of us to some very powerful ancestral sin in our family that needed breaking. In addition, for all of August and September of 2019, I would wake 3-4 mornings a week with intense, burning pain (neuropathy) in both of my hands. It would last about an hour each time and my doctor couldn’t pinpoint a diagnosis. Medication wasn’t working and I was at the end of my rope trying to care for four children and function normally.

I went for prayer on October 30th and the prayer team walked me through renunciation prayers for generational sin bond breaking as well as inner healing prayer. I was not only healed of my neuropathy that day but experienced total cleansing and a filling of the Holy Spirit like never before. I have also felt a depressive fog lift that I truly didn’t even know I had. Before prayer, I would wake most mornings with a heavy sense of dread and hopelessness which I just figured was normal. It is now completely gone. I have also experienced an incredible victory over sin which I’ve never known in my life. I had no idea there was so much “more” to be found in my Christian walk. I honestly can say I am now walking in full freedom and the abundant life Jesus longs for us to have!


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

I was released from the darkness that had been oppressing me. It was a feeling of joy and liberation as I found overwhelming forgiveness.

About a year ago I was in a particularly dark place. I was jaded, angry with God and overwhelmed by guilt. Substance abuse had taken its toll and I was feeling desperately alone. I was struggling to bear compounded pain from failed relationships, the deaths of loved ones, gross injustices and secret sins. I was like a frog in a skillet. Small compromises lead to great disasters.

I kept coming to Horizon because I could feel God calling out to me through the worship. At that time my favorite song was `All the Poor and Powerless´. God washed over me in redemption when I prayed with the Horizon prayer team. I was released from the darkness that had been oppressing me. It was a feeling of joy and liberation as I found overwhelming forgiveness. God gave me a calm assurance that I was His beloved son and that the work of the cross was complete for me. Rising after those prayers, I was not the same.

I´m still a sinner and life is still tough, but I will always remember that moment of personal revival. It is amazing to be free from the substance crutch I was in bondage to. Even though I have many ¨Why?¨ questions, I nevermore doubt I am His. It seems God is intent on breaking me down and keeping me vulnerable and dependent whenever I try to deal with life in my own way. I am grateful for this assurance of justification because a loving father disciplines the wayward child.

For some reason God loves to work through weakness. I know and believe that He works all things for good to those who love Him and are called to His purpose. I learned so much through that heavy period of my life. I thank Him for His endless mercies, praise Him for His awesome power, love Him because He perfectly loved me first and keeps pursuing my heart.


I have faith that God used you and worked through you to heal my pain.

Horizon prayer team, thank you so much for praying for my back pain. I really felt God working as you were praying. I felt it in my body and my heart. Since being prayed over, my back pain is almost non existent! When I do have some (minor!!) aches it has been normal soreness from my exercise etc. that stretching alleviates. I've slept better, been able to stand longer periods of time, and do stretches and exercises I haven't been able to do in years!!! 

I have faith that God used you and worked through you to heal my pain. It gives me goosebumps to think about. I'm in awe and so thankful!! Thank you for being faithful followers and for never doubting God's healing power. I am truly appreciative, and it was such an amazing and meaningful experience for me. God is amazing!! 
