I am finding my identity in Him, and not in the past, in the people around me, the circumstances, or in the things I do.

A very good friend told me about the Prayer Ministry at Horizon Church in Towson. She encouraged me to make an appointment as she conveyed the beauty and power of her own experience. At the time, I had already started my quest for healing, but I knew there were areas of my life and in my heart that needed urgent and deeper intervention from our Lord Who Heals. As I filled out the forms for my prayer appointment, I realized that the Spirit was speaking to me. Healing also happened as I connected the content of the forms with the assigned readings I did before my appointment. 

As my friend described, the experience was beautiful and powerful. It highlighted the work of the Holy Spirit as members of the Prayer Team, whom I met that morning, discerned the yearnings and needs of my heart. It was very encouraging that they prayed for me before I came. They each had a word from the Lord that resonated loudly to the reasons why I was there. Both messages were very similar. It was clear the Lord was in the prayer sessions. I forgave, I surrendered, and I believed.

I forgave. I forgave my parents, my husband, my children, my friends, and my supervisor. Most importantly, I forgave the Lord, and secondly I forgave myself. I was able to have a better understanding of His love and my identity in Him. I was able to discern the purpose of the hurts, and the pain. I was able to trust Him and to see myself cared, cherished, and not abandoned. 

I surrendered. I put at His feet my marriage, my children, my job, my future. I experienced an amazing peace and hope. The session revealed the fear in my life. This particular issue took two prayer sessions, but I can say today that the Lord has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (Timothy 1:7.)

I believed that He loves me. Immensely –that is why Jesus went to the Cross, and resurrected. I believe that I am His daughter, living from His inheritance, from His goodness and faithfulness. Therefore, I can be confident, even godly stubborn, and resolved. I believe that even if I am standing in the darkest spot, I radiate His light. That I can speak up, and believe that I am standing in His rock. 

I am forever thankful for this ministry. I know I will not be completely healed until I get to Heaven, but the work that the Holy Spirit began during the prayer sessions is taking me to a deeper trust, a deeper love, and a deeper relationship with the Father. I am finding my identity in Him, and not in the past, in the people around me, the circumstances, or in the things I do. I belong to Him, and I am immensely and unconditionally loved. 

I ponder about the prophesies I received during the sessions. I am expectant, hopeful, and joyful about what the Lord will bring to my life, and the ways I can be His instrument to bless.

Others notice something changed in me. I point them back to our Lord, Jehovah Rapha, the Lord Who Heals. Thank you for this transforming ministry that our God uses to bless and heal. I am forever thankful.
