I felt the Holy Spirit work in my life in a way that I have never seen before.

I have loved the Lord for many years but had been struggling with the feeling that something was blocking my ability to go deeper, and have a closer walk with Him. I knew there was more that He offered, and I didn’t know why I couldn’t grasp that abundant life God has prepared for those that love him. The prayer session was the catalyst I needed to begin breaking down barriers that have prevented me from moving into that place where God wants me. I felt the Holy Spirit work in my life in a way that I have never seen before. God used the sensitivity, compassion and spiritual gifts of the prayer team to help me understand more about healing, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the power I have through Jesus to overcome obstacles that try to stand in my way. This understanding is truly life changing. I am grateful that God used this prayer session to reveal so much; and that He is helping me to walk out in what I have learned (and continue to learn).
