
God taught me to stop trying to fit His power within my comfort zone.

I love telling people the story of the miraculous healing the Holy Spirit performed through Horizon and the prayer team. I was barely brave enough to approach the team for prayer. I had the skeptical posture of, "this probably won't make my health problem worse, so I guess it's worth a try. At best, maybe it can give me some peace" 

Doctors told me that my autoimmune disorder that caused visible and measurable dysfunction would only get worse and at some point would require surgery. There was no way to manage its progression—we just monitored it to determine when surgery should be scheduled. My next appointment showed no progression, and by a few months later, I had blood testing that showed it was in remission. The doctors had no explanation for how my disease process just stopped. Even the visible signs have mostly gone away, which they said wasn't possible. 

All I have now are the antibodies to prove that I had the disease and a really cool story of how God taught me to stop trying to fit His power within my comfort zone. This is only part of the story, but I wanted to share as a tangible fruit of your change and of course to praise God for this healing! Over 2 years later and no return of my condition.


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

The enemy’s grip has been removed from my heart, my mind, and my voice.

In the winter of 2019, I heard many testimonies from very close friends and family members who attended deliverance prayer meetings through Horizon Church. I was in awe of all the Lord was doing in their lives and completely overjoyed!  

They all highly recommended I go and I considered the idea of experiencing this deliverance prayer for myself; however, I kept dragging my feet because I didn’t have an urgency to attend. Then, one day I felt the Lord tugging on my heart to go. I had no idea what to expect. I went in with an open heart allowing the Lord to heal and restore whatever was broken and to reveal his glory in my life. 

Much to my surprise, it was a powerful confrontation with the enemy of my soul. Praying against any grips the enemy had over my life; footholds that I was not even aware of that were holding me back from truly living in God’s promises and living out God’s calling I had received when I accepted him as Lord and Savior decades ago. 

I am now able to walk in much more freedom. I am growing in the Lord more than I ever have. I am no longer as easily distracted as I was before. I am more focused as I dig into God’s word and as I worship him. The enemy’s grip has been removed from my heart, my mind, and my voice. The power of Jesus Christ is stronger and bigger than any evil power that was holding me back from truly experiencing the freedom and power I have through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. 

I am beyond thankful for the ministry God has given our prayer team. So many of my family and friends—myself included—have experienced God’s faithfulness and His healing, cleansing touch. Lives have been changed for the glory of Christ. And for that I am forever grateful. 

“The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made. All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations. [The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.]”


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.