I am so blown away by what God has done for me! Lymes is dead!

I lead worship at another church, but I used to be a part of Horizon. After I got diagnosed with Lymes disease I knew I needed to get prayer from the Horizon prayer team. So, after church, I drove over to Horizon and got prayer. Getting prayed for was powerful! They prayed for a cleansing of my blood from all Lymes and all bacteria. On my drive home, I heard the Lord say, “Lymes is dead.” I wasn’t one hundred percent sure if I heard correctly, but every morning I would wake up and say in agreement with heaven, “Lymes is dead.” 

I made an appointment with a Lymes specialist to get more testing and understand a little more about what was going on. They took 12 vials of blood and ran some other tests as well. The specialist said that when a tick bites, most often you receive the Lymes as well as a lot of other bacteria that the tick was carrying. So she tested me for Lymes, all the co-infections that come with it, and many other things as well. It would take about six weeks to get the results. During that time, I ended up in the ER from symptoms I was experiencing. I discovered that the antibiotics I was on were causing a lot of my problems. I stopped treatment and decided I wouldn’t take any medicine until I heard my results. 

Finally, I spoke with the specialist and she went over all of my test results. I TESTED NEGATIVE FOR LYMES AND ALL OTHER TICK BORNE BACTERIA!!! I asked the specialist if the first positive test I received for Lymes could have been a false positive. She said, “Absolutely not.” She wanted to try to dig deeper. She couldn’t believe it because I wasn’t on antibiotics long enough for my tests to come back negative. I don’t have heart palpitations, dizziness, or brain fog anymore. The fatigue and achiness have improved drastically. Some days I don’t experience it at all. I am so blown away by what God has done for me! Lymes is dead!

Horizon prayer team, you were used by God as a part of my story. Thank you all so much for representing the Body of Christ to me in such a beautiful way. I will forever appreciate the time and love you shared with me that day.


I am excited and ready to see more rescue, healing, and restoration in the lives of my children and the people around me

In prayer, I surrendered and forgave. I was coached to commit things into God's hands that have burdened me for years. The prayer team prayed for my healing. Pain, anxiety, and strongholds left my body in waves. The relief felt so much like a wind blowing over me I had to open my eyes to see if the window was actually open. I surrendered the things and people that I have no control over in the first place. The prayer team prayed for deliverance from the influence of the people and the things that I had let have power in my life. Ties were broken. Chains fell off. Wholeness returned.

It's hard to put into words everything that happened, but I left that day with a freedom and strength I hadn't known before. The change felt too good to be true. Phone calls and texts that used to raise my blood pressure no longer cause any anxiety. The stomach pains that I had gotten so used to as routine pain are completely gone. The powerlessness and self-loathing I lived in daily are being replaced by reliance on Jesus's power and an identity grounded in His love. I am looking forward to the future without dread. God has continued to work in my life in real deliverance and power since that day. I am excited and ready to see more rescue, healing, and restoration in the lives of my children and the people around me. So grateful for the deliverance I have received. Jesus is so good!

Inner healing is like a hand reaching down into a deep and narrow crevice and pulling an embedded thorn out of hardened fleshy tissue

 Inner healing is like a hand reaching down into a deep and narrow crevice and pulling an embedded thorn out of hardened fleshy tissue. That thorn was a living memory of an indescribable hurt that continued to pierce me. 

     Such was mine when I came to the Horizon prayer team for prayer and healing. I cannot precisely comprehend all of the transcendent power of their prayers and their anointing upon me except that in those suspended moments of prayer the Holy Spirit reached in and brought the excision of the thorn; that thorn of deep painful and crippling “failure” that had been inflicted upon me by an unthinking adult when I was a child. In those moments of prayer under the guidance of the Holy Spirit I intuitively knew that I had been grasped by God’s grace and that an embedded evil had been wrenched out of me.  

     I saw those original events that wounded me as a child for what they were. Only now, by God’s grace I could let them go with all of their bitter wrappings and be willing to forgive and release those who had hurt me.  I know that I will need more time to consistently forgive when evil plays those events across my mind’s screen however I am no longer slave to the thorn. That thorn has been added by the Holy Spirit to the wreath upon the head of The Crucified.  

     I am relieved and I am freed from emotional pain and spiritual despair, and those are characteristics of my inner healing.   

To Him be the glory~ 


I was set free in the prayer session in so many ways

I came in for prayer from the recommendation of several family members. It had been about 6 years since coming through a really tumultuous time in my life. A time period that spanned maybe 10-13 years. Without going into too much detail it was mostly struggles with bad choices I continued to make, turning my back on what I knew was the right path, and choosing worldly lures that were not healthy or good. I was living in darkness. I didn’t know how to get out of the perpetual sin I was involved in, and I really didn’t care to. Satan had the wool pulled far over my eyes.

Fast forward to six years ago. With the help of my husband and many prayer warriors I was able to turn away. It was not easy, and has not been an easy journey. Something was still inside me that felt wrong.

I’ve been battling for 6 years now, and I knew I needed something more. I felt a block, like I couldn’t get past things and thoughts I had. Looking back I know it was certainly satan's hand at work.

The rejuvenation of my soul, the reconnection with the Lord, hearing His voice again, and being freed from satan's binding he had on me, all came about from the prayer session I had with the Horizon prayer team members. The thoughts and words that I felt were coming from God, that I had been hearing for a few years, were spoken by the Holy Spirit through the prayer team members. A comforting peace washed over me, and my questioning of whether I was actually hearing from God was confirmed. They also prayed against the soul ties and bondage that had been let in through the life I had led. I was set free in the prayer session in so many ways. I walked away with more than can be put into words. Seeing God be so real and so with me in that prayer session was a huge blessing. God has surely blessed this ministry and I’m so grateful.


We are blessed to have folks who know how to partner with the Holy Spirit in our midst

I received prayer from the prayer team members. The Lord brought up some issues that “on paper” I would say were “no big deal” but clearly they were! God (through the prayer team) led me through forgiveness and brought healing to some pain I had no idea was there. It goes to show that the Lord knows us better than we know ourselves. We are blessed to have folks who know how to partner with the Holy Spirit in our midst. I encourage you to get prayed for, get healed up, so you too can join in his mission of bringing the Kingdom where you are!


I didn't hold back. It took a while to let go more and more as we prayed, but, as I did, I knew God was doing something deep.

My wife attended a meeting of local leaders in NoVA regarding the move of God in our area, particularly in the way of deep healing. She came back raving about it and saying how much I needed to go visit the Horizon prayer team in MD. My wife isn't one to mince words, so, even though the schlep was legit, I told her I would go. I have some experience with this, but I knew I could use some more given I could see God bringing up stuff in my life that needed healing.

My time with the prayer team was a little intimidating as it has been a long since I've been so transparent with others, particularly complete strangers, but, thinking of my wife's hearty endorsement, I didn't hold back. It took a while to let go more and more as we prayed, but, as I did, I knew God was doing something deep. Eventually, we found something that was very much in need of healing and I wept cathartically for several minutes. You know that kind of weeping that isn't even vocal yet your whole body is working really hard to get it out? Yeah, it was like that. It was good to forgive, to repent of bitter judgements, and to give to the Lord the things that were weighing heavily on me, and affecting my loved ones around me.

While I can understand how it might be a little intimidating for some to want to do this, or perhaps thinking it's not for them, I wholeheartedly, like my wife, endorse this and encourage anyone and everyone to do it because the freedom is so worth it. Thank you, Horizon Pray Team.


I felt the Holy Spirit work in my life in a way that I have never seen before.

I have loved the Lord for many years but had been struggling with the feeling that something was blocking my ability to go deeper, and have a closer walk with Him. I knew there was more that He offered, and I didn’t know why I couldn’t grasp that abundant life God has prepared for those that love him. The prayer session was the catalyst I needed to begin breaking down barriers that have prevented me from moving into that place where God wants me. I felt the Holy Spirit work in my life in a way that I have never seen before. God used the sensitivity, compassion and spiritual gifts of the prayer team to help me understand more about healing, the Holy Spirit’s guidance, and the power I have through Jesus to overcome obstacles that try to stand in my way. This understanding is truly life changing. I am grateful that God used this prayer session to reveal so much; and that He is helping me to walk out in what I have learned (and continue to learn).


I am finding my identity in Him, and not in the past, in the people around me, the circumstances, or in the things I do.

A very good friend told me about the Prayer Ministry at Horizon Church in Towson. She encouraged me to make an appointment as she conveyed the beauty and power of her own experience. At the time, I had already started my quest for healing, but I knew there were areas of my life and in my heart that needed urgent and deeper intervention from our Lord Who Heals. As I filled out the forms for my prayer appointment, I realized that the Spirit was speaking to me. Healing also happened as I connected the content of the forms with the assigned readings I did before my appointment. 

As my friend described, the experience was beautiful and powerful. It highlighted the work of the Holy Spirit as members of the Prayer Team, whom I met that morning, discerned the yearnings and needs of my heart. It was very encouraging that they prayed for me before I came. They each had a word from the Lord that resonated loudly to the reasons why I was there. Both messages were very similar. It was clear the Lord was in the prayer sessions. I forgave, I surrendered, and I believed.

I forgave. I forgave my parents, my husband, my children, my friends, and my supervisor. Most importantly, I forgave the Lord, and secondly I forgave myself. I was able to have a better understanding of His love and my identity in Him. I was able to discern the purpose of the hurts, and the pain. I was able to trust Him and to see myself cared, cherished, and not abandoned. 

I surrendered. I put at His feet my marriage, my children, my job, my future. I experienced an amazing peace and hope. The session revealed the fear in my life. This particular issue took two prayer sessions, but I can say today that the Lord has not given me a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind (Timothy 1:7.)

I believed that He loves me. Immensely –that is why Jesus went to the Cross, and resurrected. I believe that I am His daughter, living from His inheritance, from His goodness and faithfulness. Therefore, I can be confident, even godly stubborn, and resolved. I believe that even if I am standing in the darkest spot, I radiate His light. That I can speak up, and believe that I am standing in His rock. 

I am forever thankful for this ministry. I know I will not be completely healed until I get to Heaven, but the work that the Holy Spirit began during the prayer sessions is taking me to a deeper trust, a deeper love, and a deeper relationship with the Father. I am finding my identity in Him, and not in the past, in the people around me, the circumstances, or in the things I do. I belong to Him, and I am immensely and unconditionally loved. 

I ponder about the prophesies I received during the sessions. I am expectant, hopeful, and joyful about what the Lord will bring to my life, and the ways I can be His instrument to bless.

Others notice something changed in me. I point them back to our Lord, Jehovah Rapha, the Lord Who Heals. Thank you for this transforming ministry that our God uses to bless and heal. I am forever thankful.


God taught me to stop trying to fit His power within my comfort zone.

I love telling people the story of the miraculous healing the Holy Spirit performed through Horizon and the prayer team. I was barely brave enough to approach the team for prayer. I had the skeptical posture of, "this probably won't make my health problem worse, so I guess it's worth a try. At best, maybe it can give me some peace" 

Doctors told me that my autoimmune disorder that caused visible and measurable dysfunction would only get worse and at some point would require surgery. There was no way to manage its progression—we just monitored it to determine when surgery should be scheduled. My next appointment showed no progression, and by a few months later, I had blood testing that showed it was in remission. The doctors had no explanation for how my disease process just stopped. Even the visible signs have mostly gone away, which they said wasn't possible. 

All I have now are the antibodies to prove that I had the disease and a really cool story of how God taught me to stop trying to fit His power within my comfort zone. This is only part of the story, but I wanted to share as a tangible fruit of your change and of course to praise God for this healing! Over 2 years later and no return of my condition.


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

The session was like a pinprick of light that grows and grows until it touches everything.

I'm so grateful for my prayer time with the prayer team. For a very long time, I've been familiar with healing prayer and deliverance and I've done prayer personally and had prayer myself, and while I've had wonderful breakthroughs with the Lord in these sessions, I've still felt like there was something still unfinished. It felt as if there were still these deeper hangers-on that didn't get fully dealt with or kicked out.  The Lord does wonderful things in layers, but I've been longing to sense full freedom in many of these places. 

This session was a turning point for me in many ways.  Since prayer, one area I'm most thankful for is how I have seen freedom in my relationship with my husband - many of the angry thoughts in my head toward him have gone and I'm able to take those that try to sneak back in captive and give them back to Christ.  This is monumental in so many ways and our relationship has improved on a number of fronts that seemed like they would never get better. I've been less angry and overbearing with my kids, a trait that has run through many mothers in my family line. I've experienced greater peace and the ability to hear the Lord's voice and better discern between Him and the sometimes condemning, demanding voice that would cause confusion and discouragement. 

I also left the session so encouraged. The words the Lord had given them to speak to me prior to the session affirmed so much they couldn't have known and there were things that I needed to hear.  I know this was one step on the road to greater freedom, but it was one of the most powerful I've experienced and I'm so eager to continue with Jesus and I'm grateful to this ministry for being his hands and feet in the process. The session was like a pinprick of light that grows and grows until it touches everything.  Thank you, Lord.


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

The Lord has set me free from fears and strongholds that were a heavy burden for me.

I felt strongly in my heart that I needed some wisdom in why I was having such a hard time in a particular area of my life. I was also going through a hard time with my fiancé because of some fears I had carried since I was a child. I knew I needed to work on that before I got married because I didn’t want to bring my past into something as beautiful as marriage. This is how, talking to a friend of mine, she told me about Horizon’s Prayer Ministry. On the day of my prayer session, while I was in my car I started praying and asking the Lord to set me free as well. I was so blessed to meet the prayer team and felt so confident to share with them. 

I am so thankful to the Lord for the Prayer Ministry. They, in obedience to what they felt the Lord was leading them to do, raised a gift to buy my parents tickets so they could come from Colombia to visit me. I am so thankful to receive this blessing and my parents are very excited to know the Lord has provided for them. 

After my prayer session I haven’t stopped testifying how the Lord has set me free from fears and strongholds that were a heavy burden for me and affecting my relationship with my fiancé. I was able to identify a lack of forgiveness, roots of bitterness in my heart and give all of that to the Lord. Since then, my fiancé and I have been able to work things out in a different way, identifying quickly what needs to be changed, and allowing the Lord to bring His work to completion in our daily lives. I am so thankful for this ministry. 

P. F.

Self-loathing stopped, lies that I had believed and embraced (that I was worthless and no good) were rebuked.

Thank you for your ministry in praying for me in early January and sharing your prophetic words that were extremely encouraging. The team’s words and prophetic insights were spot on and directly from the Lord.

The immediate changes I felt were that the chronic stress that manifested in my body has left:

  • No more heart palpitations - after having it consistently for 7 months

  • No more rapid breathing/hard to breath moments caused by stress

  • No more hyperventilating (had at least 2 during the previous 7 months)

  • Restored vision in my right eye - after it was altered for a couple months - caused by stress

  • No more nightmares/fearful dreams

  • Right mind restored and strongholds released: self-loathing stopped, lies that I had believed and embraced (that I was worthless and no good) were rebuked. I started to appreciate again how God made me and that what He made me to be was good.


It’s a sweet rest and peaceful feeling to be exactly where God wants you. 

(PART 1)

My husband Jeremy received healing from the prayer team (sleep problems), and he also received a couple prophetic words: one was about him being next to a red corvette and being financially successful, and another about his dad wishing he had bought Jeremy "that bike." Your word about Jeremy’s dad “getting him that bike” was right on the money and was super healing for Jeremy.  The “red corvette” word was a bit surprising to us because Jeremy just got a promotion and bump three years ago and we were content to stay where we were.

However, Jeremy received a call out of the blue four weeks ago about a new position with a new company.  He had been with the current company for over 20 years so it was a big move. Long story short, the Lord kept confirming it over and over again that it was right.  It’s a promotion in title and capacity, as well as a pay increase.  They flew him out to Cleveland for the final interview (I tagged along) and during the short car ride from the airport to the hotel an old song by Prince came on called “Little Red Corvette.”  We were both stunned.  It’s not a great song but the song title was huge and came with such clarity lit up on the Uber driver’s dashboard! God can even use Prince to relay His word.  :)

Because of your word and the confirmations that came, we were able to walk in full faith and assurance that this was the Lord’s will without even looking back, so wild. Thank you for being such a wonderful vessel to hear the Lord and blessing His people by relaying that word!  I have seen such an increase in faith and belief in prophecy in Jeremy and in our kids as well because of this and how clear God was in telling us to move forward.  Money or no money, there’s nothing better than being close to Jesus.  That’s where the treasure is. 


PART 2 (2/8/2021)

If you remember, after your word for Jeremy in June about a red corvette the Lord walked us through my husband leaving his current job and taking an “out of the blue” incredible offer by another company.  We heard “Red Corvette” in the car on the way to the hotel in Cleveland for his final interview and were floored.

Jeremy started with the new company in late November and it’s been an incredible transition where he loves his new position. On Thursday, Jeremy was on a conference call with the owner of the company, Taylor. Taylor was speaking to the team about being wise to utilize Jeremy’s expertise.  Taylor said to them, “If you aren’t drawing on Jeremy’s knowledge and skill set, it would be like having a red corvette in the garage and never driving it.”  Jeremy said he almost fell out of his chair.

It’s just incredible how God has confirmed this massive move and transition for our family through prophecy.  It’s a sweet rest and peaceful feeling to be exactly where God wants you.  Your prophetic anointing is incredibly strong and has been a conduit for our family to hear the voice of the Lord.  Thank you!


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

The enemy’s grip has been removed from my heart, my mind, and my voice.

In the winter of 2019, I heard many testimonies from very close friends and family members who attended deliverance prayer meetings through Horizon Church. I was in awe of all the Lord was doing in their lives and completely overjoyed!  

They all highly recommended I go and I considered the idea of experiencing this deliverance prayer for myself; however, I kept dragging my feet because I didn’t have an urgency to attend. Then, one day I felt the Lord tugging on my heart to go. I had no idea what to expect. I went in with an open heart allowing the Lord to heal and restore whatever was broken and to reveal his glory in my life. 

Much to my surprise, it was a powerful confrontation with the enemy of my soul. Praying against any grips the enemy had over my life; footholds that I was not even aware of that were holding me back from truly living in God’s promises and living out God’s calling I had received when I accepted him as Lord and Savior decades ago. 

I am now able to walk in much more freedom. I am growing in the Lord more than I ever have. I am no longer as easily distracted as I was before. I am more focused as I dig into God’s word and as I worship him. The enemy’s grip has been removed from my heart, my mind, and my voice. The power of Jesus Christ is stronger and bigger than any evil power that was holding me back from truly experiencing the freedom and power I have through Jesus Christ who strengthens me. 

I am beyond thankful for the ministry God has given our prayer team. So many of my family and friends—myself included—have experienced God’s faithfulness and His healing, cleansing touch. Lives have been changed for the glory of Christ. And for that I am forever grateful. 

“The Lord is good to all, and his mercy is over all that he has made. All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord, and all your saints shall bless you! They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom. Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and your dominion endures throughout all generations. [The Lord is faithful in all his words and kind in all his works.]”


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

New healing came into my heart. I felt so seen by the Lord. The Lord knew me.

I encountered life in the Holy Spirit a few years ago. I saw the Lord begin to heal people as I prayed for them. At the same time, I myself had frequent migraines. They interfered with my work and family time. A part of me was discouraged that I prayed for others and saw healing, yet I did not get healing myself. 

Last fall, I was at a Christian conference, and I began to get a migraine. I asked a couple people there to pray for me. My headache didn’t improve after some typical healing prayers, and so one of them started praying to break generational curses and witchcraft. When he did that, I involuntarily began to breathe very heavily. He commanded unclean spirits to leave, and as he did so, uncontrollable shrieks erupted from me. Through my ventures into healing, I had some framework for the demonic realm, but I had told the Lord that I planned to keep my distance from deliverance ministry. Yet here I was finding myself receiving that very ministry! 

I have never clung so hard to Jesus in my life. In a way I had never known before, I knew he was the only one who could save me. That night began, rather than ended, a journey toward complete freedom from demonic oppression.

As I came home, I found myself disoriented. The people who had prayed for me at the conference had gone home to their respective cities, and I didn’t know where to turn.  I am a problem-solver by nature. I have a good job and good community support. But as I found myself in the greatest spiritual battle of my life, none of my usual resources could help me at all. I couldn’t buy or otherwise resource my way out of my problem. Despite reading books on deliverance and attending another Christian conference, I couldn’t even figure out why I was demonized to begin with. I was exhausted and overwhelmed. I needed God’s help to discover how to move forward.

Through a series of events over the next few months, the Lord led me to the Horizon prayer ministry. Connecting with them was truly an answer to prayer. When we met, the prayer team shared several prophetic images with me. One, in particular, ended up being particularly impactful:

I see a young girl, maybe 5, running through a field of flowers with the sun shining on her. She's full of joy. She runs her hands through the tall wild flowers. She has a blue dress on. She runs to Jesus and He hugs her. She picks a flower. It has white petals and looks almost like a daisy. She holds it up as if she is giving it to you but from a distance.

He said, “You had a miscarriage?” 

“Yes,” I replied.

“I think that was your daughter.” 

I said, “That was 5 years ago, almost to the day.”

“I said the girl I saw was 5 years old,” he pointed out.

I was unaware that I still carried hurt from the miscarriage, but as he shared that word, new healing came into my heart. I felt so seen by the Lord. The Lord knew me. The Lord knew about my miscarriage. And the Lord even cared enough about me to tell our prayer team about it. I felt the Father’s love for me in that moment, and I gained a confidence in God’s presence through this supernatural ministry.

As the prayer team prayed for me in the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord continued to reveal different things I was carrying. There was shame over old sins, and burdens by vows I had taken. Through these prayer ministers, Jesus made the nature of my shame clear to my heart, and he convinced me that what happened was not my fault. I felt significantly lighter as we prayed through it. The Lord also revealed to the prayer team many places where I held onto unforgiveness. They led me through forgiving many (many!) people. As I gained freedom, the Lord also blessed me with new truth and vision. I traded my old plans for the Lord’s new plans for me. He gave me joy. Even as I write this, there is a smile on my face. 

My journey is not complete. However, there has still been much good fruit in my life. I am less short-tempered with my family. I am growing in my identity as a daughter of God. I am increasing in authority as I learn to fight for my freedom. I am calling out more of the enemy's lies. I’ve traded my dreams for His. I’m learning to live a lifestyle of forgiveness. I am more confident of God’s love for me. And I do have fewer headaches. 

I praise God for this compassionate and powerful ministry. I am not yet where I need to be, but I praise God that I am not where I once was. 


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

For the first time in my life, I can say I truly love Jesus more than I ever have.

I had heard many great things about Horizon’s prayer ministry, but didn't really think I needed to go. In my head, I had lived in a mostly trauma-free Christian home growing up and had known the Lord for a long time. I had generally never felt unloved by anyone and had decent self-confidence growing up. What did I need inner healing for? Well, once I started filling out the very basic form giving some background info on myself, I quickly realized there was maybe more going on behind the scenes then I had ever known.

I was pretty nervous leading up the meeting because I truly didn't know what to expect. I heard a lot of amazing and transformative stories of people in my circle who had gone before me. I was excited, but certainly anxious to see what the Lord was going to do. When I got to the meeting place, I was almost immediately put at ease. The team members were very kind and so welcoming, even though I was a complete stranger to them. We sat down and were instructed on how it would work.

During our prayer time, the prayer team had some very specific words from the Lord that were actually spot on and on a much deeper level than I had ever thought. One of the things shared was a confirmation of the Lord seeing and knowing a hurt from my childhood that had now affected how I acted as an adult. As a child, I had often been told harshly to be quiet because I was annoying and talked too much. This had made me very cautious about how I acted around others and in particular, overly careful about what I said as I grew up. Through the word the Lord spoke through the prayer team and my prayer time, the Lord assured me that he didn't want me to operate in that way anymore and instead to walk and speak boldly for Him.

Another big take-away for me was the realization that though I lived in a loving home, due to varying factors, I did not get a lot of physical affection. This was a void for me looking back and explains why physical touch from loved ones is one of my love languages. During my prayer time, the Lord was so present and he made his love so tangible to me. I cried many tears of happiness and thankfulness during my prayer time as I felt the Lord just come near to me in overwhelming love like I had never felt before. I left my prayer time not only knowing I was so loved by the Father, but that He is so affectionate and warm with his children if we are willing to draw near to him. This meeting opened my eyes and my heart to how much Jesus truly loves us. In turn, this has changed my whole relationship with the Lord and for the first time in my life I can say I truly love Jesus more than I ever have.

Lastly, after rereading my notes from my prayer meeting in preparation of writing this testimony, I now see that one of the words/pictures the prayer team got in combination was directly from the Lord to lay the groundwork for what he has commissioned me with. They both got the sense God has given me a compassionate heart and since my meeting, the Lord has softened my heart even more. I believe he is leading me deeper into ministry to show others just how much God loves and cares for them. I am excited to see how God moves in the future and puts me in a new place to speak that truth boldly for Him.

There were many other amazing moments in my prayer time that I won't share here, but I am thankful for my time with the prayer team. They selflessly gave up their time to lovingly usher me into the presence of the living God and let Him do his work. It was a beautiful time and would earnestly encourage anyone who is considering going to go ASAP! You won't regret it.


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

Jesus has radically set me free from years of bondage, oppression and addiction.

Words cannot describe how eternally grateful I am for the prayer ministry at Horizon. Through the prayer ministry, Jesus has radically set me free from years of bondage, oppression and addiction. Since our prayer sessions in October and December of 2019, I have not gone more than a few days without breaking down crying in sheer gratitude for the work that Jesus has done in my life. Even as I write this I am fighting back tears…Jesus did for me what I could never do for myself, and His beautiful vessels of healing and deliverance were the prayer team at Horizon. Decades of demonic oppression, relentless thoughts of self-hatred, condemnation and shame, and an addiction that I could never shake, were all POWERFULLY broken off me. I have no other words to describe what happened than the fact that Jesus has made me brand new. Jesus not only took the bondage and healed the wounds, He has given me more joy in Him than I can handle. In His sheer grace to me, He has given me freedom, joy and new life in Him that I had never experienced before in my walk with Him. 

I think it’s important to share that I’ve been in pastoral ministry for the past ten years and also graduated from a reformed, cessationist leaning seminary. There, I was given a very heavy dose of caution against anyone claiming to operate in the gifts and power of the Spirit. On top of that, I had absolutely no framework for an inner-healing and deliverance prayer ministry, and would have never endorsed a ministry like that—let alone go to one to receive healing and deliverance! By God’s grace, that has all radically changed as I have seen what the Lord has done to me through people who are operating in the gifts and power of the Holy Spirit. There is so much more that I want to say in regards to the specific details of what transpired in our powerful times of prayer together and the revival that has broken out in my family since, but that would be a book in and of itself. To the prayer ministry at Horizon, thank you. Thank you for not just being “open” to the Holy Spirit, but fully surrendered to Him as vessels of His healing grace. My life has never, and will never, be the same. May the Lord bless you as richly as you have blessed me and my family… to the third and fourth generation!


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

I walked away a more whole, loved person with a greater desire to pursue the Lord.

Thank you to the Prayer Ministry for pouring out your life to help others and for exercising the gifts the Holy Spirit has given you to bless others. I am so very thankful for your ministry and believe it is by far one of the most effective and life-changing ways to minister to others. I’ve been through Christian counseling prior to coming in for prayer and the impact it made on my life was nominal compared to our time together. There is so much power in the type of prayer ministry you provide that I wish everyone could come in and experience healing like I did. In my life, I’ve carried wounds, ungodly beliefs, and sin tendencies. Through the words you all received from the Lord that were specific to me, through the laying on of hands in prayer, the wisdom and guidance you provided, the pictures the Lord gave you, and getting to pray for myself in a way I had never experienced, I walked away a more whole, loved person as well as a person with a greater desire to pursue the Lord, the one who heals and is our great counselor. Thank you for being a conduit in displaying his heart towards me. Through the prayer time we had, I have never felt so incredibly loved. For hours, you all prayed with me and for me, speaking God’s truth into areas where I desperately needed the Father’s words. This time with you all and the Lord helped me learn more how to pray for myself and for others. Our time together showed me that prayer is powerful and effective. Almost immediately I noticed a shift in so many areas of my life and the lives of others directly tied to our prayers. May He richly bless your ministry and may many come to experience deeper fullness in their relationships Jesus and wholeness as a beloved child of God.


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.

Jesus has victoriously taken ground back that had previously been lost.

Thank you for the time you spent with me in healing prayer. Going through the prayers of generational sin as well as my own, has been a cleansing work that is ongoing. It’s hard to describe the sense of peace and joy that came with confession and your prayers over me to break sin and unforgiveness in my life.  The consequences of generational and unconfessed sin, I believe, had brought on physical as well as emotional trauma. The cleansing, peace and joy I left with that day are still with me today as I continue to pray and draw near to the Lord.

Also, the trickling effect that has gone through our family members who decided to go through the same healing prayer process, and the renewing and a reviving of the Holy Spirit in each one of them, has been truly a miracle. I am witnessing freshness of the Holy Spirit, a rejuvenating of gifts and their use, as well as a passion and zeal for Jesus Christ as Lord in all their lives, and in several of my kids’ lives that I had not seen before. I am tearing up as I write this, because I am so grateful for the gift of your time and passion to so willingly set others free from bondage, whether self-inflicted or generational, to a new freedom to truly know and love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. I can’t thank you enough, and of course to the Lord Jesus who led you into this ministry.

The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. (John 10:10 ESV)

I would say this encapsulates what I have seen since prayer with the prayer team, that Jesus has victoriously taken ground back that had previously been lost.


If you’ve been impacted by our Prayer ministry, received physical healing, experienced relational restoration, been moved by a specific sermon series, or have felt supported through a difficult time by community—we want to hear about it.

Please share your story below so we can grow in Christ’s love, together.